Monday, July 27, 2015

How To: Organize Your Lilly Pulitzer Agenda

Hello Dolls!

Today is July 27th and you know what that means!! Today is the first official day we can use our Lilly Pulitzer Agenda!! This year is the first year I purchased a Lilly agenda and flipping through the pages has gotten me so excited!!

As I was looking through the first thing that came to my mind was: "how will I organize this?!" These agendas are so picture perfect the last thing you want to do is accidentally make a mistake inside them!

So I'm going to show you my organization tactics in hopes that they will help y'all out!!

I got the large Tusk in Sun print agenda from Lilly Pulitzer. Don't worry if you haven't ordered yours yet, because you can do so right here. (If that link did not work because agendas are sold out then you can also buy them here or here.)

1. Monthly Overview

The first thing you notice in the agenda is that there are two separate "full month view" options. There is one in the tab called "months" and another one for each monthly tab listed on the side. I love to keep my school and personal life all together in one agenda because it makes life so much easier! And writing everything in one monthly overview can become extremely overwhelming, so I use the "months" tab for my personal life and the one for each month on the side for school.
Months Tab Overview (used for personal)
Individual month overview (used for school)

2. Color Coding

This one might sound ridiculous to some people, BUT it is so useful if you take the time to actually do it! I found these great file tab markers from Target that assisted me with color coding!

Pink: Appointments/Meetings/Events
Red/Orange: Due Dates
Purple/Yellow: Homework/Things I need to do
Green: Family
Blue: Work

Then I took it a step further and used these tabs to cover over my plans for the month overview so my eyes can't miss that HUGE chunk of color! So I put the tab over the event and then when the event is over I take off the tab so I know it has been complete. (These tabs are see-through so you don't worry you can still see what you wrote down) I personally like this better than highlighting on my monthly overview because if I want to look back then I can neatly see what I did that month, instead of having scribbles all over my agenda.
Not completely filled yet, but here is a sample of my August monthly overview for my personal calendar overview!

3. Pockets

Inside the agenda there is a double-sided pocket there on the first page (very convenient and I love that they have that in there!). Inside that pocket I keep my colored tabs, so I can stay on top of it! I also keep my school schedule in there because even though I am a sophomore in college and should know my schedule by now...let's face it, I don't. (Better to be safe than sorry!) I also carry a shopping list on the back side of the folder as a "to-do-list" just in case I don't have room in the one provided in the agenda.
I made sure I put a "key" of what my colors mean in case I need it.
My "To-Do-List" which looks like a shopping list on the other side of the folder.

4. Sticky Notes

I use these for emphasis and as a reminder for when I don't have room inside my agenda to write in. Great for a reminder you don't want to miss out on!!

So that is how I organize my Lilly Pulitzer agenda. It is a system that works for me and hopefully can work for y'all as well!! If you do something different comment down below on what you do to make your agenda perfectly organized.


The Californian Belle

1 comment:

  1. Omg what a great idea!! I want a Lilly agenda but can't decide!!
